Reuniones científicas

Lun, 01-06-2015; 00:00
Seminario: "Hipótesis y reflexiones sobre las múltiples biografías de una enigmática tela medieval"

Por Miriam Ali de Unzaga (Institute of Ismaili Studies)

Sala Julián Ribera 1C

Lun, 04-05-2015; 00:00
Otras sedes
International Conference to Mark the 500th Anniversary of his Death "Abraham Zacut. Sciencie, Historiography, Talmud and Polemics"

Interviene, a las  9:30 hrs. Javier Castaño (ILC, CCHS-CSIC), con la ponencia "Castile and its Jews at the Time of Abraham Zacut: Debates and Expectations"

Organizing Committee:
Ram Ben Shalom (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Javier Castaño (ILC, CCHS-CSIC)
Abraham David (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Lun, 20-04-2015; 00:00 hasta Vie, 24-04-2015; 00:00
Otras sedes
Séminaire doctoral "Littératures techniques et tradition des textes scientifiques de l'Antiquité gréco-romaine"

La Universidad de Reims y la Casa de Velázquez organizan el IIIe Séminaire doctoral Littératures techniques et tradition des textes scientifiques de l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, que se impartirá en la Casa de Velázquez del 20 al 24 de abril de 2015.

Mar, 14-04-2015; 00:00 hasta Mié, 06-05-2015; 00:00
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Taller de poesía hebrea medieval en sus contextos peninsulares árabe y romance
Martes y miércoles, 17:00-19:00 hrs.
Organiza: Esperanza Alfonso (ILC, CCHS-CSIC)
Vie, 10-04-2015; 02:00 hasta Sáb, 11-04-2015; 02:00
Otras sedes
This symposium examines the phenomenon of powerful religious outsiders in comparative perspective during the long medieval era, from Constantine to the advent of secular modernity.
Lun, 09-03-2015; 01:00 hasta Mié, 11-03-2015; 01:00
Otras sedes
Despite the constantly growing research regarding the literary history of the Islamicate World, our knowledge about what was available/popular/read in different periods and regions is still dismally patchy.
Mié, 25-02-2015; 01:00 hasta Vie, 27-02-2015; 01:00
Otras sedes
Sephardic decorated manuscripts of the 15th century have traditionally received less attention from art historians and codicologists than manuscripts from previous periods.