International Conference to Mark the 500th Anniversary of his Death "Abraham Zacut. Sciencie, Historiography, Talmud and Polemics"
Lun, 04-05-2015; 00:00
Otras sedes
Room 1002, Rabin Building, Mount Scopus Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Interviene, a las 9:30 hrs. Javier Castaño (ILC, CCHS-CSIC), con la ponencia "Castile and its Jews at the Time of Abraham Zacut: Debates and Expectations"
Organizing Committee:
Ram Ben Shalom (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Javier Castaño (ILC, CCHS-CSIC)
Abraham David (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Organized by: Hispania Judaica. Center for the Study of Iberian Jewry

Programa193.29 KB
Dpto. de Estudios Judíos e Islámicos
Judíos y Musulmanes en la Trama Social Mediterránea: Fuentes y Contextos (REDMED)