Simposio Internacional "Fixing, Transmiting and Preserving: Early Jewish and Rabbinic Literature in the History of Hebrew Bible"
Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18
La historia de la composición, la fijación y la transmisión del texto bíblico hebreo sigue todavía rodeada de muchas incógnitas y ha sido explicada recurriendo a diversas hipótesis de trabajo. Pero aún quedan algunas de las cuestiones principales sin responder.
Este simposio pretende ser un foro de discusión e intercambio de ideas entre los máximos especialistas de las diferentes áreas relacionadas con la historia del texto bíblico hebreo (crítica textual, estudios rabínicos y estudios masoréticos) que, tradicionalmente, lo han hecho por separado desde diferentes períodos y metodologías con el objeto de debatir algunas de las cuestiones que continúan abiertas.
Organizan: Elvira Martín Contreras (ILC-CCHS), Emilia Fernández Tejero (ILC-CCHS) y Lorena Miralles Maciá (Univ. Granada)
Contacto: fixingsymposium [at]
The history of the composition, fixation, and transmission of the Hebrew biblical text is still far from having been known and written. This process has been, for the most part, explained by way of theories but there still remain questions that have not been answered. What happened between the moment in which the biblical consonantal text was fixed and the appearance of the Masora, five centuries later? How was preserved the biblical text in the meantime? Which role played the rabbis and their literary works in the transmission, setting and preservation of the Hebrew biblical text?
The purpose of this symposium is to create a forum of specialists in biblical textual criticism, rabbinical, and masoretic studies, to work on the questions raised above, to foster a dialogue between diverse fields of study, and to produce an overview of the subject that at present has not been achieved.
Description: The history of the composition, fixation, and transmission of the Hebrew biblical text is still far from having been known and written. This process has been, for the most part, explained by way of theories but there still remain questions that have not been answered. What happened between the moment in which the biblical consonantal text was fixed and the appearance of the Masora, five centuries later? How was preserved the biblical text in the meantime? Which role played the rabbis and their literary works in the transmission, setting and preservation of the Hebrew biblical text?
The purpose of this symposium is to create a forum of specialists in biblical textual criticism, rabbinical, and masoretic studies, to work on the questions raised above, to foster a dialogue between diverse fields of study, and to produce an overview of the subject that at present has not been achieved.