International Conference: "Doubt Unbelief Forms of Skepticism in the Iberian World"
Jue, 19-11-2015; 00:00
Otras sedes
Venue: Residencia de Estudiantes, Conference Hall, c/Pinar 21 (Madrid)
Convened: Mercedes García-Arenal (ILC-CCHS, CSIC) and Stefania Pastore
15:00-15:45h.: “What Faith to Believe? Vacillation, Comparativism and Doubt”, by Mercedes García-Arenal (ILC-CCHS, CSIC)
17:30-18:15h.: “Doubt in the Controversy against Miguel de Molinos”, by Fernando Rodríguez Mediano (ILC-CCHS, CSIC)
Dpto. de Estudios Judíos e Islámicos
Historia Cultural del Mediterráneo