International Conference "From the 21st Century BC to the 21st Century AD: The Present and Future of Neo-Sumerian Studies"
The Ur III period (2112-2004 BC) is perhaps the best documented century in antiquity. Tens of thousands of clay tablets have survived documenting one of the earliest historical experiments in state formation. These cuneiform texts record a tremendous range of activities and allow for the reconstruction of urban life at the end of the Third Millennium BC. From the 21st Century BC to the 21st Century AD: The Present and Future of Neo-Sumerian Studies will take place in Madrid in July 2010, immediately prior to the scheduled Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale to be held in Barcelona. After nearly a century of intensive work on the Ur III period, this conference provides a venue for scholars to reflect on these achievements, to share their ongoing work, and to work collaboratively on agendas for future research.
Contact: Manuel Molina (ILC, CCHS-CSIC) and Steven.Garfinkle [at] (Steven Garfinkle)