Community Building Seminar "Typologies of the Late Medieval Hebrew Bible"
Por Javier del Barco (Dpto. Estudios Judíos e Islámicos, ILC-CSIC)
Lugar: IMéRA (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Resumen : The late medieval Hebrew Bible has been traditionally neglected as a category in itself, as the period under scrutiny is considered an epigonic moment in the larger history of the medieval Hebrew Bible, with its peak represented by the Masoretic codices of the 10th and 11th centuries. Yet, it has drawn some attention from art historians and, more recently, from historians of the Hebrew book, in each case for different, unrelated reasons. However, attempts are very scarce to categorise the textual and formal variety of these Bibles and, when they exist, they are poorly elaborated. In this CBS I will attempt at proposing typologies for the late medieval Hebrew Bible based on a new model of study rooted in material philology, codicology, and intertextuality.
Organiza: IMéRA (Université d'Aix-Marseille)