Bridges between life and death. On funerary practice in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Lun, 25-02-2013; 00:00
Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18
10:00 Introduction
10:15 José Manuel Galán (CSIC): “Re-use of tomb chapels in the Ptolemaic Period in Dra Abu el-Naga (Luxor)”
11:00 Raquel Martín Hernández (UCM): “Material, text and context of mummy-labels”
11:45 Coffee break
12:15 Alba de Frutos García (CSIC): “Organisation of necropoleis-workers in Ptolemaic Egypt”
12:45 Phil Venticinque (University of Chicago): “Dying to belong: death, burial and Egyptian associations”
13:30 Discussion
15:30 Irene Pajón Leyra: “Funerary practice of Barbarian Peoples in a Roman papyrus”
16:15 Sofía Torallas Tovar (CSIC): “Funerary practice in transition: on embalming in Late Roman Egypt”
17:00 Closing remarks and discussion
Información y contacto: Sergio Carro (sergio.carro [at]
Organiza: Centro de Estudios del Próximo Oriente (CEPO) e ILC-CCHS, CSIC
Bridges between life and death. On funerary practice in Graeco-Roman Egypt
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