El Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología (ILLA) tiene como objetivo primordial la investigación del patrimonio cultural hispánico en su triple dimensión antropológica, lingüística y literaria.  En este contexto, sus investigadores editan revistas de prestigio internacional en sus ámbitos científicos y desarrollan labores de formación y transferencia de conocimiento especializado a toda la sociedad. 

Libro y escritura

The  Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East (ILC) has as its fundamental goal the study of languages and cultures of the Mediterranean basin and the Near East. This study is carried out on original texts and from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The ILC has as a goal to study cultures in their different manifestations for whose adequate understanding it is indispensible to know in depth the languages and texts of each individual tradition. Any linguistic, literary, cultural, social or historical phenomenon is taken into consideration in order to improve our understanding of its culture of origin, by establishing relevant comparison, opposition of typological parallelism.

The fundamental thematic lines of the research carried out in ILC encompass the languages and cultures of the ancient Near East, classical culture of ancient Greece and Rome, along with its continuation in the Byzantine and Neo-Greek world, as well as in the Latin Middle Ages and the Neo-Latin world, biblical culture and the Hebrew language, Spanish-Jewish world and its Sephardic continuation, the Arabic language and Islam, as well as the study of the processes of cultural production and transmission.


In addition to the different research projects carried out in the ILC and the scientific production with its multiple connected activities, it is worth noting the impact of the publications edited and directed by members of the Institute in the form of periodical publications (Journals Al-QantaraEmerita and Sefarad) and seven editorials collections.

Link to the Annual Memories of ILC

Our Institute is in Madrid, in the Center for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS-CSIC), in Albasanza St. 26-28


Welcome to ILC

Mapa Mediterranean

Welcome to ILC


Welcome to ILC


Welcome to ILC

Biblia Políglota Complutense

Welcome to ILC


Location of ILC, Madrid, Spain

Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East

Investigation groups
Research groups
Current projects
Publications in the last 5 years

Latest news

Thu, 11/07/2024
El texto firmado por Delfina Serrano lleva por título "Ibn Khaldūn et la théologie rationnelle".
Mon, 01/07/2024
La medalla invita a aquellas personas que hayan sido supervisadas en distintas etapas de su vida profesional a nominar a un/a mentor/a que haya contribuido de forma significativa en el desarrollo de sus carreras profesionales.
Fri, 07/06/2024
El título de la tesis ha sido: “Embodying Ritual: Jewish Women’s Religious Practices and Health Care in the Late Ottoman Empire and its Successor States (1839-1922)”
Fri, 07/06/2024
El "Skylitzes Matritensis" es un códice de gran valor y fama internacional, en el que se narra de forma animada el reinado de los emperadores bizantinos desde el año 811 al 1057
Mon, 27/05/2024
El título de la tesis defendida era "Técnicas interpretativas de la literatura rabínica. Revisión crítica desde la hermenéutica contemporánea"
Thu, 23/05/2024
Necrológica a cargo de José Manuel Cañas Reíllo (ILC-CSIC) y Víctor Pareja (CCHS-CSIC)



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