International Congress "Hebrew Literature, the Bible and the Andalusi Tradition in the Fifteenth Century"

Mon, 05-10-2009; 00:00 hasta Tue, 06-10-2009; 00:00

Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18

The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Iberia provide a particularly interesting and unique study case for literary and social studies in that mass conversion, among other political and intellectual factors, led Jews, Christians, converts, believers and sceptics to reformulate their cultural past. We would like to open this conference primarily to scholars of Hebrew, Latin and Romance literatures and scholars of late medieval history who study poetry, imaginative fiction and historiography. Scholars whose work deals with the relationship between other sacred texts and late medieval literary production in the broader Mediterranean world (e.g. the relationship between the Qur’an and Arabic literature) and those dealing with the visual arts and material culture are also welcome to participate.

Organizan: Arturo Prats (ILC, CCHS-CSIC) and Jonathan Decter

International Congress "Hebrew Literature, the Bible and the Andalusi Tradition in the Fifteenth Century"
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