Ciclo de conferencias 'Seminario de Estudios Judíos': "To Spain and Back: The Arabic Origins of Ashkenazi Pilpul"
Wed, 24-04-2013; 00:00
Por Daniel Boyarin (University of California, Berkeley)
Sala Julián Ribera 1C
The seminar will trace the Talmud in (some) of its wanderings around the diaspora from the 10th to the 19th centuries showing how it both constituted the Jewish diaspora and was ever renewed precisely because of that diaspora.
Organiza: Línea de inv. Judíos y musulmanes en la trama social mediterránea: Fuentes y contextos (ILC, CCHS-CSIC)
Contacto: seminariocampanton [at]
Reproducción audiovisual de este seminario: Canal Youtube del CCHS.

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