Seminario del Grupo de Estudios Árabes (GEAR-DEFIHIS): "Mass pilgrimage and the modern state: heteropraxis and heterodoxy in the shaping of sacred space"

Mon, 18-10-2010; 00:00

Por: Juan Campo (Dep. Religious Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara)

Sala Gómez Moreno 2C

This paper focuses on heteropraxis and heterodoxy as they have becomeembedded in the annual mass pilgrimage to Sabarimala in South India, which involves a multiplex of Hindu and Muslim sacred places. It will explain how the modern secular state and religious agencies become involved in the negotiation of religious difference and scandal, and the impact this has on the shaping of the pilgrimage landscape. The paper will include a comparative perspective drawnfromresearch on the annual hajj toMecca.

Organiza: Grupo de Estudios Árabes (GEAR-DEFIHIS), (ILC, CCHS-CSIC)

Seminario del Grupo de Estudios Árabes (GEAR-DEFIHIS): "Mass pilgrimage and the modern state: heteropraxis and heterodoxy in the shaping of sacred space"
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