Granada ENIS Spring School 2019 on "Patronage and Clientelism in the Muslim World"
Mon, 18-03-2019; 00:00 hasta Fri, 22-03-2019; 00:00
Otras sedes
Venue: Escuela de Estudios Árabes, CSIC, Cuesta del Chapiz, 22 (Granada, Spain)
Organized by: Mayte Penelas (EEA-CSIC) & Maribel Fierro (ILC-CSIC).
We invite doctoral students and Early Stage Researchers working on or being interested in aspects of patronage and clientelism in the Muslim world from different disciplines in humanities and social sciences (history, anthropology, sociology, economics, cultural studies, political sciences, religious studies) to explore and present the relevance of these concepts for their work.
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2019.

Call for application58.86 KB
Dpto. de Estudios Judíos e Islámicos
Historia Cultural del Mediterráneo