Conferencia: "The Arabic Dialects of Galilee: Fieldwork Documentation of Customs and Language"

Mon, 20-01-2020; 00:00

Por Aharon Geva-Kleinberger (Universidad de Haifa / ILC-CSIC)

Sala Caro Baroja 1D

Organiza: G.I. Textos Sagrados del Judaísmo y el Islam
Coordina: María Angeles Gallego (ILC-CSIC)

This lecture is a result of 24 years of fieldwork in Galilee (Israel). Palestinian farmers of the Galilee live in a region characterized by considerable complexity and time-depth of local dialects and tremendous etymological and semantic richness that are related to its stark cultural and environmental mosaics, as well as a high risk of decline or imminent demise. The longstanding lag in creating a dialectology of rural Palestinian farmers means that, at this time, it is difficult to provide a precise estimate of the amount of undocumented knowledge lost or still awaiting proper scientific treatment. The lecture focuses on rural Arabic-speaking Palestinian farming communities which form a cul-de-sac for the languages of historic cultures and a major hotspot of associated linguistic diversity. These dialects are believed to retain significant linguistic remnants, which accumulated as a result of the interaction and convergence of ancient languages and cultures of the Fertile Crescent over millennia. Lately, together with Dr. Peter Behnstedt, Prof. Aharon Geva-Kleinberger has published a new atlas on the Arabic dialects of Galilee:

The Arabic Dialects of Galilee: Fieldwork Documentation of Customs and Language
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Dpto. de Estudios Judíos e Islámicos
Textos sagrados del judaísmo y el islam