
Tradicionalmente las sociedades islámicas se han estudiado a partir, sobre todo, de fuentes árabes históricas, literarias y biográficas.
Salvo en contadas excepciones residuales, la democracia es el régimen por todos aceptado, aunque con variantes de fondo muy grandes y con riesgos varios.

The application of computer technology to the edition and linguistic analysis of biblical texts has provided, in the last thirty years, advanced tools for research purposes as well as for teaching the Bible in the classroom. This discipline requires, nonetheless, a critical evaluation from a historical perspective, examining past and present achievements and failures.

In September 2008, the seventh edition of the International Colloquium of Greek Palaeography (Madrid-Salamanca, 15-20 September 2008) celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Palaeographia Graeca, the pioneer work of the Benedictine Bernard de Montfaucon that established the fundamentals of the discipline.
The studies in this collection comprise a series of explorations into the revolutionary character of the Almohad movement in medieval North Africa and Spain and how it was expressed, including through compelling visual and auditory means.
Este primer volumen dedicado a las biblias conservadas en la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia presenta treinta y dos manuscritos: diecisiete producidos en la península Ibérica, siete del área askenazí y uno de Italia, todos ellos medievales.
Esta es la primera monografía en lengua castellana dedicada a la Masora. El libro nace ante la creciente demanda de incorporar la Masora al estudio de la Biblia.